
Onneni kukkuloilla

Tänään on sellainen tunne että voisin kirjoittaa suomeksi. Tai oikeastaan halusin vain tuon otsikon, muuten suomeksi on hieman vaikea kirjoittaa. Kun en tiedä pitäisikö kirjoittaa puhe- tai kirjakielellä ja sitten kirjoitan kirjakielellä ja se tuntuu niin jäykältä. Kokeillaanpa englantia. Oh, much better. Actually I thought about writing in english before so that people who don't speak swedish (surprisingly there are lots of them out here on the internet) could read my cleaver thoughts too :P. But you have to forgive me for writing kinda stiff, it would be weird for me to write in slang when I don't speak like that normally.

Okay. So I'm very happy today. I was very happy yesterday too. And the day before that and the day before that. No, I''m not crazy, I'm just still overwhelmed by the thought that I'm gonna study medicine next fall. Incredible! (pronounce it frenchstyle) So, what's up here up in the clouds? Well, just chillin. Enjoying my friends, savouring(?) Finland in the summer (b-e-autiful), biking around. You know, doing all the fun stuff you can do in the summer. No worries, just living free and taking everything out of everything. Life's soo good!

Now I finally did a mature thing. I think. I plan on not using Lunarstorm anymore, also crossnet and x3m will be at lesser use (might be these promises are easy to keep in the summer, but after that...). Instead I got myself a Myspacesite, http://www.myspace.com/hanna_jarvelainen, so there you'll find me in the future. I hope yall sign up aswell :).

I still have some trips to make this summer. Next monday we head for Österbotten, more specific Jakobstad. So if I would have to plan my future now it would include washing some clothes... :D After that it's Pieksämäki camp, for that I also just have to wash some clothes. That's it. So no other plans for the future :D. Yet.

Oh and tomorrow I'll register myself to the faculty of medicine, I couldn't get myself up early enough to do it today. So I still have some forms to fill and then I have to remember my certificate from High School. So tomorrows kinda a big day for me, Mary suggested I'd take with me a camera and take photos all the time :D. I even might do that.

"And there is hope in thine end, saith the LORD" Jer. 31:17

That's all. I hope you're having as good time as I am. Livet är gyllene.


Anonymous said...

//Din käraste broder

Hanna said...

Obviously DU! Gotcha :P